Under the Employee Benefit Handbook, grievances are controversies between the Employer and any Interested Stakeholder. As part of the Employee Benefit Handbook’s grievance procedure, the Department of Administration provides a dispute resolution process, known as a “Step 3” proceeding. If the Step 3 proceeding does not resolve the dispute, the matter may be referred to an independent hearing officer who will conduct a proceeding of their own.
The Step 3 Decisions and Independent Hearing Officer Decisions listed below stem from their respective proceedings and concern the interpretation or application of the Employee Benefit Handbook.
In selecting vacation time, the Employee Benefit Handbook states “No employee having properly selected their vacation according to their seniority shall be denied such vacation.” An employee at Public Health Madison & Dane County initially requested an alternative work schedule form her program supervisor. The request was denied due to the impact it would have on the delivery of PHMDC services. Subsequently, the employee requested vacation days off, and the request was approved by a supervisor. The specific request was later clarified to be for full days rather than a small amount of time each day. Upon that clarification, it was determined that the request could not be approved due to impact it would have on PHMDC-provided services.
The Employee Group (EG) argues that under the handbook an approved vacation cannot be rescinded under Section 2 “Vacation.”
Shelby Slaven denied this grievance. The issue at hand here is whether or not the vacation was “properly selected.” In this case, after the employee was denied an alternative work schedule, they placed a request for vacation for multiple days that had already been deemed a disruption to PHMDC-provided services. Further, the request was sent to one supervisor and not both of the appropriate supervisors, and the program supervisor that had knowledge of service disruption issues was left off of the email requesting vacation. There was also confusion about the amount of time being requested off during those days, and once clarified the impact to program services became evident. Thus, it was determined the vacation days were not properly selected.
Certain positions within the County require a license at the time of hire, in which case an individual needs to hold those licenses prior to being offered employment. As such, initial professional licenses are not eligible for reimbursement. The Employee Benefit Handbook states that the County shall pay fees for an employee that is required by their position to hold a professional license. This includes fees associated with continuing education, recertification, exams or licenses.
The Employee Groups filed a grievance when an employee requested time off to take the Social Work Licensure exam, as well as reimbursement for the exam fee and mileage to travel to take the exam, but was denied. Evidence presented by the Employee Group shows inconsistency in the practice of employees being allowed to take exams during work hours and also pointed to other positions where the County has paid for licenses.
Greg Brockmeyer sustained this grievance. This individual was not required to have a Social Work License upon hire, instead they were required to have a Temporary Training Certificate provided by the State of Wisconsin and was allowed up to one-year to obtain a Social Work License. As the Employee Benefit Handbook allows for employee fees for exams for a license issued by the State of Wisconsin to be paid and because other employees have been allowed to use work time and receive mileage for exams in the past, the grievance is upheld.
An employee has had several discussions regarding a desire for Voluntary Leave. During one conversation, the Department agreed to allowing 1 or 2 voluntary leave days per pay period, with a potential to increase that amount should scheduling and staffing levels allow. The Employee Group Representative felt that the time agreed to was not sufficient and proposed several ways to address scheduling and staffing issues in order to increase the employee’s voluntary leave hours.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance. Voluntary leave hours were granted to the employee, and the Employee Benefit Handbook does not allow for an appeal of an approved voluntary leave request.
Dane County Ordinance describes how wages for approved reclassifications and reallocations shall be calculated. Under the step-based system, employees are to be placed one step above where they were prior to reallocation or reclassification. An employee was reclassified and thus placed into a new salary range. However, the employee disagreed with the wage calculation.
Due to wage calculations being determined by Ordinance, rather than the Employee Benefit Handbook, there was no matter for the employee to raise a grievance. Notably, the employee was at Step 18-2 $33.86 and was reclassified to salary range 20, which begins at $36.62, which was in line with the calculation provided under ordinance. As such, Greg Brockmeyer denied to hear a Step 3 Grievance.
Employees have an ability to request an alternate schedule. Under the Employee Benefit Handbook, managers are encouraged to “review employee requests for an alternative work schedule, and to approve them when they are practical.” An employee was denied a request for an alternate work schedule in which the manager cited a variety of reasons it would not fit the agency’s needs and its obligation to the public. A grievance was filed in which the Employee Group stated the policy exists to focus on work life balance of employees and that proof as to why the alternate schedule being requested was not practical was not provided.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance. Although the Department did explain that the request was not practical in supporting the mission of the agency, the language in the Employee Benefit Handbook does not hold the Department must grant alternate schedule requests nor does require management to provide a “compelling” reason to deny a request.
Employees of the Policy, Planning and Evaluation Division within Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC) are allowed to work remotely up to two days a week, with additional days allowed under certain circumstances (such as a home repair). An PHMDC employee requested and was denied the ability to work remotely for five full days a week. The employee and Employee Group appealed this decision maintaining the denial of the request is not “expanding telecommuting to the extent possible,” as stated in the Temporary Exception to the Employee Benefit Handbook.
Greg Brockmeyer upheld the Departments decision to deny the Telecommuting Appeal. This decision was made on the basis of several factors. For instance, the Temporary Exception allows for managers to make final decisions about telecommuting. Further, due to a number of unmet deliverables for the entire Division, as well as this employee, working three days in the office was in the best interest of the Division.
An Employee Group suggested five separate grievances should be sustained on the basis that Independent Hearings were not scheduled in a timely manner. Scheduling of the five grievances were difficult due to an Employee Benefits Handbook clause that states the parties’ need to determine if they should go to the IHO review process, rather than straight to an IHO hearing. Both sides are required to engage in a discussion on whether they agree.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance, noting that regardless of route taken, the language used in the Employee Benefit Handbook is “mutuality.” In other words, both parties have a responsibility to communicate with one another as to how to proceed with the IHO selection process. In this case, the Employee Group had been reached out to in order to determine a path forward, but did not respond, thus not upholding their responsibility to communicate with Corporation Counsel. It was further asserted that a procedural victory to several grievances by avoiding responsibility to contribute to a mutual selection would be nonsensical.
For the past 20 years, Land and Water Resources Department staff had been allowed to work longer hours for nine days and then have the tenth day off. This practice was used as a way to expedite efficiency with field work by allowing individuals to leave the office in the morning to have more hours in the field. An increase in telecommuting, however, has diminished this practice. As a result, this scheduling option was eliminated.
The Employee Group presented that the memo eliminating the off-work day policy be rescinded so a meet and confer process could begin in order to find a mutually agreeable schedule.
This grievance was denied by Greg Brockmeyer. The Employee Benefit Handbook describes processes for work scheduling in three sections, all of which were consistent with the action taken by the Land and Water Resources Department.
In order to ensure proper staffing coverage, occasionally staff will be mandated to cover a shift. When a mandate occurs, the worker covering the mandated shift receives credit for being mandated. An employee at Badger Prairie was mandated to work a shift due to staffing issues, however, another employee came in unexpectedly on their vacation day and offered to fill the employee's shift. The employee was consulted on whether they wanted to work the mandated shift or go home and they opted to go home. The employee requested to receive a mandate credit, which was denied due to another employee covering the shift.
The Employer Group states that the employee should receive a mandate credit. Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance citing that the employee did not work anytime for the mandatory shift.
Historically, Public Safety Communications employees are allowed the benefit of choosing their preferred shift and this has typically occurred one time annually. In response to an increase in call volume and reduction in the percentage of calls that were meeting minimum standards, employees were made aware that there would be a return to an eight-hour shift structure. This meant there would need to be a mid-year shift selection.
The Employee Group maintains that a mid-year shift selection violates the existing benefit clause of the Employee Benefit Handbook.
Greg Brockmeyer denied this grievance. In the Employee Benefit Handbook, language was adopted regarding hours of work that included a provision allowing for the twelve/eight-hour schedule to be reverted back to the eight-hour schedule structure. The Handbook also does not indicate a specific time that employees can pick preferred shifts. Because of this, there is no existing benefit violation. Notably, due to the serious nature of this matter, Greg Brockmeyer directed the Department to make further attempts to mitigate the impact of this change on employees by working with the Employee Group Representatives and the Department of Administration.
Generally, under federal Fair Labor Standards Act, time spent commuting from home before work and to home at the end of the work day are not considered work time. A unit within the Department of Human Services has made an exception to this rule for when employees are returning from appointments outside of the County. An employee within this unit had a 4 pm appointment outside of Dane County and was afforded an amount of flex time to account for the appointment and travel taking her over the 8 hours in that day. While the drive was 45 minutes the supervisor granted 30 minutes of flex time.
The Employee Group requested that management continue observing existing benefits and working with employees to ensure time spent traveling to and from outside worksites is compensated as regular work time regardless of whether it falls inside or outside the regular work day. Further, it was requested to make all employees whole who were affected by not being paid for said work time.
This decision was partially sustained. Greg Brockmeyer granted the employee 15 additional flex time minutes because the appointment was outside of Dane County. However, the remainder of the grievance was denied for the reasons described under the Fair Labor Standards Act. However, the Department of Human Services was directed to develop a clearer policy for employee compensation when traveling.
A .6 FTE position for a zookeeper was open and two internal candidates were interviewed for the position. Based on the interviews of the two candidates, one of them was chosen for the open position. The Employee Group stated that the second candidate should have received the position based on seniority. If the second candidate should not be given the job, they would like them to be allowed 90 days of voluntary leave.
The first part of the grievance, with regards to seniority selection, is denied per Greg Brockmeyer. This is because the Employee Groups did not file a grievance prior to the final candidate selection. If they felt the position should be recruited on a seniority basis, the appropriate time for that discussion would be before the recruitment process was completed rather than as a result of the candidate selection, as the Employee Benefit Handbook does not require that this position be a seniority-based hire.
With regards to the voluntary leave, Greg Brockmeyer determined that grievance should be held in abeyance until the parties have an opportunity to discuss this topic further.
Appropriate weekend staffing is a major aspect of ensuring animal care standards are met. As such, the Zoo’s weekend vacation policy has historically been that employees take five consecutive days of vacation if you wanted a weekend off and with adequate notice (two weeks if possible). Staff discussed changes to this policy for 2024, and compromises were made to change that five-day requirement to four days, allowing for a single day weekend vacation request per zookeeper, among other changes.
The Employee Group would like revisions to the policy to be discussed at the Employee Benefit Handbook meet & confer meetings and states there is no agreed upon 2024 policy.
Greg Brockmeyer denied this grievance. During the hearing, it went unrefuted that after the policy was put on hold, several discussions were held with staff and the policy was modified. Furthermore, the Employee Group was unable to point to a provision in the Employee Benefit Handbook that had been violated.
Badger Prairie is currently experiencing a shortage in nursing staff. Previously, after proceeding with the vacation selection process, four staff were guaranteed days off on each week day and three on each weekend day. If a person canceled their vacation request, Badger Prairie would proceed to the next person to receive a guaranteed day off. Due to the staffing shortage, Badger Prairie decided it could no longer automatically award an additional day off to a different staff person if a staff person cancels their vacation day.
The Employee Groups filed a grievance arguing that the change was implemented without notice and that these changes are prevented by the past practice provision of the employee benefit handbook.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance pointing out that the Employee Groups were consulted multiple times and Badger Prairie management even modified their proposal in light of the feedback received. Further, the decision held that the Employee Benefit Handbook does not prevent modifications to the process for how vacations are selected. Given the staffing crisis, Badger Prairie needs to be able to implement reasonable rules in order to make the facility function.
An employee was experiencing COVID symptoms and did not attend work while they obtained a COVID test. Under the Temporary Exception of the Employee Benefit Handbook, employees could use Emergency COVID time off (rather than general sick time) under certain circumstances. Modifications were made to the 2022 policy to be in effect for 2023. When the employee tested negative, it was determined that the sick days would be used for the time they were not at work.
The Employee Group maintains that an email exchange between another employee and the Department of Administration shows consistency in what the employee did and the protocol under the current policy. As such, they are seeking modifications to how the employee's absences were reported.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance. While it is the case that there were email exchanges between employees and Greg Brockmeyer, these emails were in reference to specific concerns brought forth when a draft temporary policy was sent out. Modifications were made to that policy in response to the concerns, however, the final 2023 Temporary Exception as it relates to COVID absences does not support the Employee Groups claims with how the employee approached recording their absence.
Reasonable time spent participating in work related association with notice to the employee supervisor shall not be deducted from employee’s pay. A representative from an Employer Group had requested two vacation days in Dec. 2022 for August 2023. Subsequently, the Department of Administration scheduled a meet and confer meeting to make updates to the Employee Benefit Handbook. Due to the important nature of the meeting, the representative opted to attend those meetings while on vacation. A request to provide those hours worked as Union Business Time was denied. The representative maintains they should receive that time as Union Business Time.
Greg Brockmeyer sustained the grievance. Miscommunication between Employee Relations and Corporation Counsel resulted in the decision not to count the hours worked has Union Business Time, when adequate notice was provided and they indeed should have counted. As such, it was determined that an adjustment to those hours be made.
In hiring for a park laborer at the Bureau of Land and Water Management, nine names (due to a tie) as well as a veteran and three transfer candidates were passed along for consideration. Because four did not pass the skills test, new names were requested and five (due to a tie) were added to the pool of candidates.
The hiring, firing, and voluntary demotion section of the Employee Benefit Handbook states that applicants with the eight highest composite scores shall be considered to be hired and or promoted for an open recruitment and in no event should more than the above referenced applicants be considered. If additional names are needed, county ordinance details the reasons requesting replacement names is allowable.
The Employee Group requests two steps towards remediation: to end the practice of interviewing candidates before an essential skills test is administered and to fire the person ultimately selected for the position because of the errors in the hiring process.
The grievance is both partially sustained and partially denied per Greg Brockmeyer. The parties involved have agreed to evaluate essential skills prior to interviewing candidates in future recruitments and Employee Relations is being directed not to forward additional names of candidates to a Department unless the Department exhausts all of the names on the list, the latter being the sustained portion of the grievance. The request to fire the hired employee is denied, and the alternative request to firing the employee has been satisfied, which was to provide documentation that the hired candidate would have been included on the original list of names had the proper hiring protocol been followed.
Another request for alternative remedy was for a statement in writing regarding the hiring process. This was denied, as the purpose of the grievance process is to allow for remediation to an aggrieved person and to work collaboratively towards addressing issues that arise.
ESS workers in the Department of Human Services. typically earn overtime during the months of December, January, and February. The schedule was modified so that staff were working staggered schedules, with some staff ending at 5:00 pm and some staff ending their schedule sooner. In December, because staff were feeling burnt out and staff have protected time away from work, the Department announced that there would a 2.5 hour cap on the amount of overtime that could be scheduled, along with a 7:00 pm cut off. AFSCME filed a greivance claiming that this harmed employees to earn an equal amount of overtime.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance. The need to have employees work overtime is based upon a myriad of factors related to the business needs of the department. In order to address these needs, management has the right to set parameters on how much overtime the department should authorize. Management’s authority to do so has not been abridged by the Employee Benefit Handbook. The assigning of overtime in this case cannot be characterized as an existing benefit.
An employee requested to use the 2021 Supplemental Emergency COVID-19 Leave for an absence. According to Employee, she received a “booster” COVID-19 vaccination and following the vaccination, she had COVID-19 symptoms on November 2, 2021 and wished to use the 2021 COVID Supplemental Emergency COVID-19 Leave. She was informed that she could not use her leave to cover the absence because the 2021 Supplemental Emergency COVID-19 Leave did not authorize the use. According to Employee, the denial of her request was in error because the 2021 COVID Emergency Leave permitted its use whenever an employee was absent because they have “a COVID-19 diagnosis, is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a medical diagnosis; or the employee has been exposed to COVID-19 and is seeking a COVID-19 test." Furthermore, Employee identifies that on February 12, 2021, her supervisor relayed an interpretation from the Department of Administration that said that the use of the leave is permitted when there is a reaction the vaccine. Employee asserts that the Existing Benefits Clause of the EBH requires that DOA’s interpretation remain in place. Read the full grievance here.
The Grievance was denied. Although lengthy, the history behind the issuance of the various temporary exceptions reveals one incontrovertible fact: the Supplemental Emergency COVID-19 Leave was a new and separate benefit from the 2021 COVID-19 Emergency Leave. The department’s intention to prohibit the use of Supplemental COVID-19 Emergency Leave for vaccines was made clear. Put simply, there was never any ambiguity as to whether the Supplemental COVID-19 Emergency Leave would apply when receiving or recovering from a vaccine - it would not. Read the full decision here.
The County maintains an Administrative Practice Manual that applies to all employees covered by its civil service system. This document included the provision that "Employee Group Representatives (EGRs) may not use the County email system to conduct the business of their association. EGRs may not send mass mailings to members, including using distribution lists, among other activities." Employee Groups filed a grievance over this provision. This Grievance was denied by the Department of Administration and was appealed to an Impartial Hearing Officer.
The Impartial Hearing Officer decided that a restriction of the Employee Group Representative's rights to send mass emails violated the Employee Benefit Handbook and that the County should restore the previous mass email policy. Read the full decision here.
From Dane County Ordinances to Paid Parental Leave and Disability programs as well as the Employee Benefit Handbook and the Administrative Practices Manual, there are many topics where Employees need guidance on what is best for them. For this reason, the Department of Administration reclassified a position in the Department of Human Services that was performing those duties and retitled the position to Employee Advocate Manager.
Employee Group 1871 filed a grievance that this position should be classified in the professionals employee group. Click here for a copy of the complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer, Director of the Department of Administration, decided that the Employee Group Representative (“EGR”) does not have the ability to challenge the creation and placement of a position in the Management Class. Further, since this position develops and implements management policies, it is appropriately placed in the Manager Employee Group. Click here for a copy of the decision.
As a part of planning to reopen county buildings and facilities, it may be necessary for staff to continue to work from home. Departments were asked to establish telecommuting agreements with their employees who will be telecommuting. Employee Relations developed a sample telecommuting agreement for all Departments to use.
Employee Group Representatives filed a grievance that Telecommuting Agreements alter the terms and conditions of employment. Click here to view a copy of the complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance for three major reasons. First, non-performance can and does lead to discipline in some cases. The Telecommuting Agreement does not alter either the current process for grieving disciplinary actions or the ability to challenge such decisions when they occur. Second, the Telecommuting Agreement does not prohibit EGR activities as long as they are approved and documented in accordance with the EBH and the APM. Third, the Telecommuting Agreement does not end the ability of ADRC employees to telecommute and the Telecommuting agreement allows for Departments to add additional terms, if necessary. The Department of Human Services is instructed to work with EG 1871 to incorporate any necessary terms into the agreement. Read the decision here
In 2017, Public Health Madison & Dane County issued a requirement for all public health employees to receive a seasonal influenza vaccination. Employee Group Representatives filed a grievance over this requirement. A decision on that grievance was put on hold and Public Health permitted religious exemptions to the vaccination requirement. In December 2019 Employee Group Representatives filed an additional grievance, requesting that the religious exemption be expanded to included strongly held personal convictions of a secular nature. Click here to read the original complaint. Click here to read the most recent complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer, Director of the Department of Administration, denied the grievance. The policy requiring a seasonal influenza vaccination is not contained in the Employee Benefit Handbook and it does not directly conflict with any provision. Concerns over discrimination were forwarded to the Office for Equity and Inclusion and Corporation Counsel for an investigation. Click here to read the decision.
AFSCME represented Employee Groups filed a grievance based on how employees should be compensated for employee group activity. Click here for a copy of the complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance because state law and Dane County ordinances require a view-point neutral position on employee membership in AFSCME-affliated employee group associations. The County must treat comparable categories of employees uniformly. Employees that choose to join an employee group and employees that choose not to join an employee group must be treated equally. Click here for a copy of the decision.
A provision in Employee Group 720’s handbook states that the County and the Employee group shall have representatives discuss staffing and scheduling issues at the Dane County Job Center on a quarterly basis. Under Act 10, the County is required to treat employees uniformly – regardless as to an employee’s affiliation with an Employee Group. Employee Group 720 filed a grievance stating that equal representation means that the Employee Group is entitled to additional representation at these quarterly meetings. Read a copy of the complaint.
During the Second Step, Dane County Human Services Director Shawn Tessmann directed EAWS to reserve the first two agenda topics at all-staff quarterly meeting to be reserved for addressing scheduling and staffing concerns. Since these meetings “are all staff” there would be an equal number of labor and management participants and would include employees included in employee groups and those who are not included in the Employee Group.
Greg Brockmeyer, Director of Administration, decided that the format of the meetings specified by director Tessmann conforms to both the Employee Benefit Handbook requirement and the uniformity requirement. Read a copy of the decision.
The Henry Vilas Zoo has recently added a number of new staff, necessitating a new process for vacation requests for 2021. Employee Group 720 filed a grievance that the change in the process constituted a change in benefits that violates the Employee Benefit Handbook. Read a copy of the decision.
Greg Brockmeyer, Director of Administration, denied the grievance. The Employee Benefit Handbook states, “Employees shall be encouraged to use vacation in sustained periods of one (1) or more weeks… In the event that an employee shall wish to use vacation credit in small increments, this provision shall be a bar to such use. Such smaller increments… shall be allowed with department head approval where such use does not interfere with the normal use of vacation… by other employees or adversely affect departmental operation.”
The Zoo’s policy conforms to the Employee Benefit Handbook. The policy encourages vacation use for blocks of at least a week, while still honor seniority in these requests. In the first round, employees can use their seniority to select up to four individual days and there are no restrictions on requests for more than one day. After that round, employees can select as many individual days on a first come, first serve basis. Further, the Zoo presented information that demonstrated that policy was necessary by the increased difficult of other employees being able to use their own vacation credits, which is specifically addressed in the Employee Benefit Handbook. Read a copy of the decision.
Dane County ESS is a part of the Capital Consortium for the administration of ESS benefits. A Dane County ESS worker accessed the SharePoint calendar inappropriately, causing an issue with a partner county. Human Service management held conversations with the partner Counties and it was revealed that Dane County was the only county permitting employees to access this SharePoint calendar. The partner counties were concerned that this could lead to a breach of confidentially or violation of FMLA rules. Human Services requested an opinion from Corporation Counsel and Corporation Counsel recommended that employees not be allowed access to the SharePoint calendar for the same reasons.
Human Services then ended staff access to SharePoint. Leads, supervisors and managers who are responsible for scheduling coverage, would retain access. Employees losing access would still be able to obtain necessary information from other sources.
Employee Group 720 filed a grievance that because SharePoint was related to scheduling it is a benefit covered under the Employee Benefit Handbook and that changes should have to proceed through the Meet and Confer process. Read a copy of the complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer denied the grievance. Management has the right to plan, direct and control the operation of the work force and the use of a software program is not an existing benefit. Further, the ability of employees to see other employees work schedules online is not an existing benefit. Supervisors and Managers use SharePoint to determine how many staff would be allowed off consortium-wide at pre-determined percentages of staff. Read a copy of the decision. Read a copy of the Decision.
Wisconsin law requires the County to treat comparable categories of employees uniformly and to maintain a viewpoint-neutral position on Employee Group membership. The Department of Administration conducted a review of the County's email distribution lists and found the County was providing email distribution lists exclusively for Employee Group Representatives to communicate with only dues paying members in the Employee Group. Because access to these email lists were not uniform across all categories of employees and they did not maintain a viewpoint-neutral position on Employee Group membership, Information Management deleted them.
Employee Group 1871 filed a grievance that these email lists were a reasonable use of the county's email system. Click here for a copy of Employee Group 1871's complaint.
Greg Brockmeyer, Director of the Department of Administration, decided that allowing Employee Groups to use the county email system to communicate with only those employees in their groups who pay dues conflicts with the County's obligation to treat comparable categories of employees uniformly and to maintain a viewpoint-neutral position on Employee Group membership. Click here for a copy of the decision.
In 2015, a dispute arose between Dane County and the Dane County Employee Associations. In the spirit of cooperation, the parties presented 15 questions to retired Judge Maryann Sumi and agreed to abide by her opinion. The dispute arose out of the fundamental question of how Dane County should interact with the Associations in light of Act 10. Click here for a copy of the decision.
In December 2019, the Department of Administration asked Corporation Counsel for a legal opinion on how to implement Judge Sumi's opinion. Key questions were: What are permitted activities during work hours that take employees away from their job assignment? What are permitted activities by Employee Group Representatives (“EGRs”) during work hours? And how does the uniformity standard govern the use of county resources?
Corporation Counsel held that in order to ensure uniformity, work-related activities must be interpreted to be limited to those an employee does to fulfill their job description and to participate in civil service activities. During work time, EGRs may engage in only those activities allowed for all employees. Work-related activities do not include Employee Group Association activities that are not also civil service activities because such time away from work duties is not available to all employees. Click here for the Corporation Counsel Opinion.